
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Remote Presence Robots: Be at work in a robot! (Videos) "The boss is telepresent - and rolling up behind you!"


Yulun Wang, Chairman and CEO of InTouch Health
The company provides leading edge remote presence robots
Wang is a pioneer in remote presence robotics

Remote Presence Robots: Be at work in a robot!

Telecommuting has been around  for quite some time, but next you will be able to have a remote presence robot. Stay at home - yet  be at the the company workplace physically, by surrogate. Hang out at the company employee break room or water cooler, visit a colleague's office to collaborate, or even go work in your own office! Meet with your associates' remote presence robots and never catch the flu from each other. Surrogate and Avatar here we come!

Below are two videos, the first is a New York Times video featuring the Willow Garage "Texai" remote presence robot. The second video is a Willow Garage video collage about the "Texai" remote presence robot. The "Texai" is a remote presence system under development at Willow Garage.

Robots at Work, Advances in Telepresence (New York Times) Robots help employees who telecommute stay better in touch with their colleagues in the office.

Texai Remote Presence System (About Willow Garage) Willow Garage develops hardware and open source software for personal robotics applications. Willow Garage is a team of experts in robot design, control, perception, and machine learning, with both a strong theoretical background and a demonstrated drive to produce practical systems.

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