
Thursday, November 11, 2010

All Life Gets A DNA Barcode (Video) *Searchable index of every species*


All life on earth to be in digital library

International Barcode of Life: creating a searchable index of every species on Earth

The goal of the International Barcode of Life Project is to capture, using a handheld device, the unique "DNA barcode" of each and every species on earth, and organize that information to be accessible and useful for everyone (sound familiar?). A DNA barcode is a gene sequence that uniquely identifies any species, and iBOL has already barcoded 35,000 of them . There are approximately 10M species on the planet (half of which have yet to be discovered), so there's a long way to go, but the components for success are in place.

(Reuters) "All Life on Earth to Get a Barcode":  Oct 29 - Using DNA fragments, researchers at Canada's University of Guelph hope to build a barcode library of all species on Earth that can be used to save endangered species and monitor food supplies as they travel across borders. Ben Gruber reports.

Tree of Life

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  1. Hi:), Ive used the picture of your Celtic Tree of life, for my logo for my record label Great Oak, I got the jpeg from google search, then found where the picture sourced from, so thought Id get in touch:). My music is free to download on & soundz. Is it allright for me to use the picture? cos it looks really good, if you send me your email I ll send you the picture:). If I make loads of money, then I can give you something for it:), your name is clear on the logo too:), so will be publicity for you & goood energy. Really hope you enjoy the music, Im Lakshmi Templetree on facebook if youd like to find me on there, the logos in my page Celtica, lots of love, Caroline. xxxxx

  2. Hi All
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    Peace and wellness
