Is Humanity on a Countdown to the Singularity?
What is the future of humanity - the technological singularity or a decline? Either way, the futurists and pundits give us 20+ years for one or the other to occur. Will the singularity occur and Homo sapiens either evolves or becomes obsolete? Will technological progress save Homo sapiens before depletion of the Earth's natural resources? Evolution, obsolescence, and/or collapse?
Could a third scenario, neither a singularity or decline, occur? Technology mitigates, delays, or even eliminates ecosystem collapse and humanity continues onwards.
Perhaps both a singularity and a decline is a more likely scenario. A human remnant or elite, even a breakaway civilization, continues with advanced technology towards and arriving at the singularity while the masses die off. That would indeed be a Brave New World...
Singularity or Decline? Is a new, more prosperous age beyond a technological Singularity on the horizon? Or does human civilization now face an inevitable decline? This video by futurist Christopher Barnatt discusses the great debate at the heart of future studies.
Is Humanity on a Countdown to Decline?
Yes either way within 20+ years we will probably hit the self destruct button. Technology will play a big role in any change in our global behaviour in my opinion. Something has to catch the attention of the world first and foremost. With today's present social media its opportunistic invitation. Either ET has to land on his holidays witnessed by thousands or a technology suddenly and deliberately thrust into public view which then...making it very hard to shroud in secrecy..should get the big rock rolling. It needs to be universally beneficial and change the lives of millions but its gonna need to be assisted with some major political widespread fallout between governments and their citizens. We're already listening and we need them to have a moment of clarity with something they cannot hide from and must embrace. It will be messy though there's no clean as a whistle route in this unless we are really lucky. We need a complete global conference by ALL nations observed by selected representatives who are balanced, open minded and logical and ethically modern who are not MP's but real world minds that represent the real public opinion and gut instinct on a global sense so lies cannot be fabricated by the elites who take us to war...the people should be deciding and set aside the world wars, most modern conflicts wouldn't be happening if we had the chance to just say to our conflicting country "Look its our government agenda..we have no fight with you...listen to us not them as you probably may not believe even your own government so its a no brainer. Mostly all governments will also need to "grow a set" to be prepared to wipe the historic gripes slate clean whilst acknowledgement some are truly horrific events we need to agree to put history behind us in an global agreement that should last until we have established a settlement outwith the planet thats successful and rooted to the extent that humanity will survive should any well known scenarios occur. At the watershed of achieving that we might even find that we may have some surprising friendships still intact.. or may lose a friendship but every day we learn to deal out our worldly day with such common problems as on the whole it benefit most to decide the confrontation is an expensive cost unless the human morals and ethics are violated.
ReplyDeleteThe world needs to kick ministerial and senatorial butt though. Why should we wait for technology at the rate of Moores Law? Its more drip feeding technology so people still get rich. If claims that the secret technology of most developed countries have computer processor speeds faster than mainstream public a few decades ago then it's a law that obviously doesn't make them see why they should why should we? Who's to say that we can't have some secret bases of our own with great minds on our side to create a technology that at least means we don't scrape for a living anymore than those we once made many times richer than us...and for what? What have we to show for it but more fear control....there's always a boogeyman whether its Russia, Hussain or Al Quaieda the claims that they are coming to get us are all the same. Capitalism needs to fall...which it will almost certainly will